Ashburton District Family History Group

Transcribed Schools in the Ashburton District
Ashburton High School Boys 1882-1950 A-K L-Z Ashburton High School Girls 1882-1950 A-K L-Z
Sacred Heart College 1906-1940 Methven High 1925- 1950
Ashburton Technical 1913-1940 (including Night School) A-C D-G H-L M-R S-Z
A Ba-Be Bi-Bo Br-By Ca-Ch Cl-Co Cr-Cu D E F G Ha He-Hi Ho-Hy I-J K L Ma-McC
McD-McJ McK-Mi Mo-My N O P Q R Sa-Si Sk-Sq St-Sy T UV Wa-Whe Whi-Wy XYZ

Ashburton Borough School 1960
Town Schools
Allenton 1891-1950
Borough 1872-1950
Hampstead 1884-1950
St. Joseph’s 1875-1950
Tinwald 1882-1950
Private Schools 1876-1942
Rakaia Riding
Awaroa 1929-1948
Barrhill 1878-1931
Chertsey 1879-1950
Dorie 1888-1950
Kyle 1879-1915
Overdale 1896-1935
Pendarves 1882-1932
Rakaia 1811-1950
Rokeby 1920-1950
St. Ita’s 1912-1950
Wakanui Riding
Dromore 18889-1935
Elgin 1880-1905
Fairton 1908-1950
Newlands 1880-1929
Riverside 1892-1929
Seafield 1879-1937
Seaview 1882-1920
Wakanui 1883-1950
Upper Ashburton Riding
Ashburton Forks 1876-1948
Greenstreet 1876-1930
Lagmhor 1918-1950
Westerfield 1888-1950
Winchmore 1889-1927
Ashburton Riding
Ashton 1880-1936
Eiffelton 1890-1950
Flemington 1881-1950
Huntingdon 1895-1909
Longbeach 1876-1931
Lynnford 1913-1949
Waterton 1882-1932
Willowby 1876-1950
Winslow 1883-1942
Rangitata Riding
Carew 1905-1950
Coldstream 1922-1928
Ealing 1892-1939
Hinds 1880-1950
Hinds Side 1898-1903
Lismore 1909-1950
Lowcliffe 1893-1950
Maronan 1893-1936
Rangitata Station 1882-1950
Mt. Hutt Riding
Highbank 1897-1945
Lauriston 1888-1950
Lyndhurst 1885-1950
Marawiti 1901-1905
Methven 1884-1950
Our Lady of the Snows 1913-1950
Mt. Somers Riding
Alford Forest 1876-1948
Anama 1902-1950
Bushside 1876-1950
Mayfield 1887-1950
Montalto 1823-1950
Mt. Somers 1876-1950
Ruapuna 1888-1950
Springburn 1878-1950
Valetta 1905

High School, Ashburton, circa 1912, Ashburton, by Muir & Moodie studio. Te Papa (O.001513)