Ashburton District Family History Group

William Turton
Courtesy of Ashburton Museum
Mid Canterbury Settlers Register

Frances Turton Courtesy of Ashburton Museum
Mid Canterbury Settlers Register started in 2001. Entries are accepted for couples who marry before 31 December 1899 and have an association with Mid Canterbury.
This resource is a useful tool for people seeking information on local Mid Canterbury families.
Copies or photographs of each register entry can be provided for non - members of our group for a fee of : $5.00 per source couple [double sided] if emailed
$6.00 per source couple [double sided] if posted
If your ancestors came from Mid Canterbury feel free to down load and print this form, scan and email back to us.
Early 20th Century Mid Canterbury Residents Register
The Early 20th Century Mid Canterbury Residents Register was started in 2018 to compliment and follow on from our Mid Canterbury Settlers Register.
Entries are accepted for couples marrying after 1 January 1900 and who have had an association with Mid Canterbury.
This resource is a useful tool for people seeking information on local Mid Canterbury families.
Please don't identify living people [we suggest you use male or female if wished]
Copies or photographs of each register entry can be provided for non - members of our group for a fee of : $5.00 per source couple [double sided] if emailed
$6.00 per source couple [double sided] if posted
If your ancestors came from Mid Canterbury feel free to down load and print this form, scan and email back to us.
Henry Atttwood Pickford & Mary Ann Ralph with children - William Ralph, Henry , Arthur and Jessie 1875